API Documentation for: 1.0.0


* StageGL
* Visit http://createjs.com/ for documentation, updates and examples.
* Copyright (c) 2010 gskinner.com, inc.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
* obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
* files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
* restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
* copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
* conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

 * @module EaselJS

this.createjs = this.createjs||{};

 * Terminology for developers:
 * Vertex: a point that help defines a shape, 3 per triangle. Usually has an x,y,z but can have more/less info.
 * Vertex Property: a piece of information attached to the vertex like a vector3 containing x,y,z
 * Index/Indices: used in groups of 3 to define a triangle, points to vertices by their index in an array (some render
 * 		modes do not use these)
 * Card: a group of 2 triangles used to display a rectangular image
 * U/V: common names for the [0-1] texture co-ordinates on an image
 * Batch: a single call to the renderer, best done as little as possible so multiple cards are put into a single batch
 * Buffer: WebGL array data
 * Program/Shader: For every vertex we run the Vertex shader. The results are used per pixel by the Fragment shader. When
 * 		combined and paired these are a shader "program"
 * Texture: WebGL representation of image data and associated extra information
 * Slot: A space on the GPU into which textures can be loaded for use in a batch, using "ActiveTexture" switches texture slot.

(function () {
	"use strict";

	 * A StageGL instance is the root level {{#crossLink "Container"}}{{/crossLink}} for an WebGL-optimized display list,
	 * which is used in place of the usual {{#crossLink "Stage"}}{{/crossLink}}. This class should behave identically to
	 * a {{#crossLink "Stage"}}{{/crossLink}} except for WebGL-specific functionality.
	 * Each time the {{#crossLink "Stage/tick"}}{{/crossLink}} method is called, the display list is rendered to the
	 * target <canvas/> instance, ignoring non-WebGL-compatible display objects. On devices and browsers that don't
	 * support WebGL, content will automatically be rendered to canvas 2D context instead.
	 * <h4>Limitations</h4>
	 * - {{#crossLink "Shape"}}{{/crossLink}}, {{#crossLink "Shadow"}}{{/crossLink}}, and {{#crossLink "Text"}}{{/crossLink}}
	 * 	are not rendered when added to the display list.
	 * - To display something StageGL cannot render, {{#crossLink "displayObject/cache"}}{{/crossLink}} the object.
	 *	Caches can be rendered regardless of source.
	 * - Images are wrapped as a webGL "Texture". Each graphics card has a limit to its concurrent Textures, too many 
	 * Textures will noticeably slow performance.
	 * - Each cache counts as an individual Texture. As such {{#crossLink "SpriteSheet"}}{{/crossLink}} and 
	 * {{#crossLink "SpriteSheetBuilder"}}{{/crossLink}} are recommended practices to help keep texture counts low.
	 * - To use any image node (DOM Image/Canvas Element) between multiple StageGL instances it must be a 
	 * {{#crossLink "Bitmap/clone"}}{{/crossLink}}, otherwise the GPU texture loading and tracking will get confused.
	 * - to avoid an up/down scaled render you must call {{#crossLink "StageGL/updateViewport"}}{{/crossLink}} if you
	 * resize your canvas after making a StageGL instance, this will properly size the WebGL context stored in memory.
	 * - Best performance in demanding scenarios will come from manual management of texture memory, but it is handled
	 * automatically by default. See {{#crossLink "StageGL/releaseTexture"}}{{/crossLink}} for details.
	 * <h4>Example</h4>
	 * This example creates a StageGL instance, adds a child to it, then uses the EaselJS {{#crossLink "Ticker"}}{{/crossLink}}
	 * to update the child and redraw the stage.
	 *      var stage = new createjs.StageGL("canvasElementId");
	 *      var image = new createjs.Bitmap("imagePath.png");
	 *      stage.addChild(image);
	 *      createjs.Ticker.on("tick", handleTick);
	 *      function handleTick(event) {
	 *          image.x += 10;
	 *          stage.update();
	 *      }
	 * <h4>Notes</h4>
	 * - StageGL is not currently included in the minified version of EaselJS.
	 * - {{#crossLink "SpriteContainer"}}{{/crossLink}} (the previous approach to WebGL with EaselJS) has been deprecated.
	 * - Earlier versions of WebGL support in EaselJS (SpriteStage and SpriteContainer) had hard limitations on images
	 * 	per container, which have been solved.
	 * @class StageGL
	 * @extends Stage
	 * @constructor
	 * @param {HTMLCanvasElement | String | Object} canvas A canvas object that StageGL will render to, or the string id
	 *  of a canvas object in the current DOM.
	 * @param {Object} options All the option parameters in a reference object, some are not supported by some browsers.
	 * @param {Boolean} [options.preserveBuffer=false] If `true`, the canvas is NOT auto-cleared by WebGL (the spec
	 *  discourages setting this to `true`). This is useful if you want persistent draw effects.
	 * @param {Boolean} [options.antialias=false] Specifies whether or not the browser's WebGL implementation should try
	 *  to perform anti-aliasing. This will also enable linear pixel sampling on power-of-two textures (smoother images).
	 * @param {Boolean} [options.transparent=false] If `true`, the canvas is transparent. This is <strong>very</strong>
	 * expensive, and should be used with caution.
	 * @param {Boolean} [options.premultiply=false] Alters color handling. If `true`, this assumes the shader must
	 * account for pre-multiplied alpha. This can help avoid visual halo effects with some assets, but may also cause
	 * problems with other assets.
	 * @param {Integer} [options.autoPurge=1200] How often the system should automatically dump unused textures with
	 * `purgeTextures(autoPurge)` every `autoPurge/2` draws. See {{#crossLink "StageGL/purgeTextures"}}{{/crossLink}} for more
	 * information.
	function StageGL(canvas, options) {

		if (options !== undefined) {
			if (typeof options !== "object"){ throw("Invalid options object"); }
			var premultiply = options.premultiply;
			var transparent = options.transparent;
			var antialias = options.antialias;
			var preserveBuffer = options.preserveBuffer;
			var autoPurge = options.autoPurge;

// public properties:
		 * Console log potential issues and problems. This is designed to have <em>minimal</em> performance impact, so
		 * if extensive debugging information is required, this may be inadequate. See {{#crossLink "WebGLInspector"}}{{/crossLink}}
		 * @property vocalDebug
		 * @type {Boolean}
		 * @default false
		this.vocalDebug = false;

// private properties:
		 * Specifies whether or not the canvas is auto-cleared by WebGL. The WebGL spec discourages `true`.
		 * If true, the canvas is NOT auto-cleared by WebGL. Used when the canvas context is created and requires
		 * context re-creation to update.
		 * @property _preserveBuffer
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Boolean}
		 * @default false
		this._preserveBuffer = preserveBuffer||false;

		 * Specifies whether or not the browser's WebGL implementation should try to perform anti-aliasing.
		 * @property _antialias
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Boolean}
		 * @default false
		this._antialias = antialias||false;

		 * Specifies whether or not the browser's WebGL implementation should be transparent.
		 * @property _transparent
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Boolean}
		 * @default false
		this._transparent = transparent||false;

		 * Specifies whether or not StageGL is handling colours as premultiplied alpha.
		 * @property _premultiply
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Boolean}
		 * @default false
		this._premultiply = premultiply||false;

		 * Internal value of {{#crossLink "StageGL/autoPurge"}}{{/crossLink}}
		 * @property _autoPurge
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Integer}
		 * @default null
		this._autoPurge = undefined;
		this.autoPurge = autoPurge;	//getter/setter handles setting the real value and validating

		 * The width in px of the drawing surface saved in memory.
		 * @property _viewportWidth
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Number}
		 * @default 0
		this._viewportWidth = 0;

		 * The height in px of the drawing surface saved in memory.
		 * @property _viewportHeight
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Number}
		 * @default 0
		this._viewportHeight = 0;

		 * A 2D projection matrix used to convert WebGL's viewspace into canvas co-ordinates. Regular canvas display
		 * uses Top-Left values of [0,0] where WebGL uses a Center [0,0] Top-Right [1,1] (euclidean) system.
		 * @property _projectionMatrix
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Float32Array}
		 * @default null
		this._projectionMatrix = null;

		 * The current WebGL canvas context. Often shorthanded to just "gl" in many parts of the code.
		 * @property _webGLContext
		 * @protected
		 * @type {WebGLRenderingContext}
		 * @default null
		this._webGLContext = null;

		 * The color to use when the WebGL canvas has been cleared. May appear as a background color. Defaults to grey.
		 * @property _clearColor
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Object}
		 * @default {r: 0.50, g: 0.50, b: 0.50, a: 0.00}
		this._clearColor = {r: 0.50, g: 0.50, b: 0.50, a: 0.00};

		 * The maximum number of cards (aka a single sprite) that can be drawn in one draw call. Use getter/setters to
		 * modify otherwise internal buffers may be incorrect sizes.
		 * @property _maxCardsPerBatch
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Number}
		 * @default StageGL.DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_SIZE (10000)
		this._maxCardsPerBatch = StageGL.DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_SIZE;														//TODO: write getter/setters for this

		 * The shader program used to draw the current batch.
		 * @property _activeShader
		 * @protected
		 * @type {WebGLProgram}
		 * @default null
		this._activeShader = null;

		 * The vertex position data for the current draw call.
		 * @property _vertices
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Float32Array}
		 * @default null
		this._vertices = null;

		 * The WebGL buffer attached to {{#crossLink "StageGL/_vertices:property"}}{{/crossLink}}.
		 * @property _vertexPositionBuffer
		 * @protected
		 * @type {WebGLBuffer}
		 * @default null
		this._vertexPositionBuffer = null;

		 * The vertex U/V data for the current draw call.
		 * @property _uvs
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Float32Array}
		 * @default null
		this._uvs = null;

		 * The WebGL buffer attached to {{#crossLink "StageGL/_uvs:property"}}{{/crossLink}}.
		 * @property _uvPositionBuffer
		 * @protected
		 * @type {WebGLBuffer}
		 * @default null
		this._uvPositionBuffer = null;

		 * The vertex indices data for the current draw call.
		 * @property _indices
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Float32Array}
		 * @default null
		this._indices = null;

		 * The WebGL buffer attached to {{#crossLink "StageGL/_indices:property"}}{{/crossLink}}.
		 * @property _textureIndexBuffer
		 * @protected
		 * @type {WebGLBuffer}
		 * @default null
		this._textureIndexBuffer = null;

		 * The vertices data for the current draw call.
		 * @property _alphas
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Float32Array}
		 * @default null
		this._alphas = null;

		 * The WebGL buffer attached to {{#crossLink "StageGL/_alphas:property"}}{{/crossLink}}.
		 * @property _alphaBuffer
		 * @protected
		 * @type {WebGLBuffer}
		 * @default null
		this._alphaBuffer = null;

		 * An index based lookup of every WebGL Texture currently in use.
		 * @property _drawTexture
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Array}
		this._textureDictionary = [];

		 * A string based lookup hash of which index a texture is stored at in the dictionary. The lookup string is
		 * often the src url.
		 * @property _textureIDs
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Object}
		this._textureIDs = {};

		 * An array of all the textures currently loaded into the GPU. The index in the array matches the GPU index.
		 * @property _batchTextures
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Array}
		this._batchTextures = [];

		 * An array of all the simple filler textures used to prevent issues with missing textures in a batch.
		 * @property _baseTextures
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Array}
		this._baseTextures = [];

		 * The number of concurrent textures the GPU can handle. This value is dynamically set from WebGL during initialization
		 * via `gl.getParameter(gl.MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS)`. The WebGL spec states that the lowest guaranteed value is 8,
		 * but it could be higher. Do not set this value higher than the value returned by the GPU. Setting it lower will
		 * probably reduce performance, but may be advisable to reserve slots for custom filter work.
		 * NOTE: Can also act as a length for {{#crossLink "StageGL/_batchTextures:property"}}.
		 * @property _batchTextureCount
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Number}
		 * @default 8
		this._batchTextureCount = 8;

		 * The location at which the last texture was inserted into a GPU slot in {{#crossLink "StageGL/_batchTextures:property"}}{{/crossLink}}.
		 * Manual control of this variable can yield improvements in performance by intelligently replacing textures
		 * inside a batch to reduce texture re-load. It is impossible to write automated general use code, as it requires
		 * display list look ahead inspection and/or render foreknowledge.
		 * @property _lastTextureInsert
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Number}
		 * @default -1
		this._lastTextureInsert = -1;

		 * The current batch being drawn, A batch consists of a call to `drawElements` on the GPU. Many of these calls
		 * can occur per draw.
		 * @property _batchId
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Number}
		 * @default 0
		this._batchID = 0;

		 * The current draw being performed, may contain multiple batches. Comparing to {{#crossLink "StageGL/_batchID:property"}}{{/crossLink}}
		 * can reveal batching efficiency.
		 * @property _drawID
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Number}
		 * @default 0
		this._drawID = 0;

		 * Used to prevent textures in certain GPU slots from being replaced by an insert.
		 * @property _slotBlackList
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Array}
		this._slotBlacklist = [];

		 * Used to prevent nested draw calls from accidentally overwriting drawing information by tracking depth.
		 * @property _isDrawing
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Number}
		 * @default 0
		this._isDrawing = 0;

		 * Used to ensure every canvas used as a texture source has a unique ID.
		 * @property _lastTrackedCanvas
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Number}
		 * @default 0
		this._lastTrackedCanvas = -1;

		 * Controls whether final rendering output of a {{#crossLink "cacheDraw"}}{{/crossLink}} is the canvas or a render
		 * texture. See the {{#crossLink "cache"}}{{/crossLink}} function modifications for full implications and discussion.
		 * @property isCacheControlled
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Boolean}
		 * @default false
		 * @todo LM: is this supposed to be _isCacheControlled since its private?
		this.isCacheControlled = false;

		 * Used to counter-position the object being cached so it aligns with the cache surface. Additionally ensures
		 * that all rendering starts with a top level container.
		 * @property _cacheContainer
		 * @protected
		 * @type {Container}
		 * @default An instance of an EaselJS Container.
		this._cacheContainer = new createjs.Container();

		// and begin
	var p = createjs.extend(StageGL, createjs.Stage);

// static methods:
	 * Calculate the U/V co-ordinate based info for sprite frames. Instead of pixel count it uses a 0-1 space. Also includes
	 * the ability to get info back for a specific frame, or only calculate that one frame.
	 *     //generate UV rects for all entries
	 *     StageGL.buildUVRects( spriteSheetA );
	 *     //generate all, fetch the first
	 *     var firstFrame = StageGL.buildUVRects( spriteSheetB, 0 );
	 *     //generate the rect for just a single frame for performance's sake
	 *     var newFrame = StageGL.buildUVRects( dynamicSpriteSheet, newFrameIndex, true );
	 * NOTE: This method is mainly for internal use, though it may be useful for advanced uses.
	 * @method buildUVRects
	 * @param  {SpriteSheet} spritesheet The spritesheet to find the frames on
	 * @param  {int} [target=-1] The index of the frame to return
	 * @param  {Boolean} [onlyTarget=false] Whether "target" is the only frame that gets calculated
	 * @static
	 * @return {Object} the target frame if supplied and present or a generic frame {t, l, b, r}
	StageGL.buildUVRects = function (spritesheet, target, onlyTarget) {
		if (!spritesheet || !spritesheet._frames) { return null; }
		if (target === undefined) { target = -1; }
		if (onlyTarget === undefined) { onlyTarget = false; }

		var start = (target != -1 && onlyTarget)?(target):(0);
		var end = (target != -1 && onlyTarget)?(target+1):(spritesheet._frames.length);
		for (var i=start; i<end; i++) {
			var f = spritesheet._frames[i];
			if (f.uvRect || f.image.width <= 0 || f.image.height <= 0) { continue; }

			var r = f.rect;
			f.uvRect = {
				t: r.y / f.image.height,
				l: r.x / f.image.width,
				b: (r.y + r.height) / f.image.height,
				r: (r.x + r.width) / f.image.width

		return spritesheet._frames[(target != -1) ? target : 0].uvRect || {t:0, l:0, b:1, r:1};

	 * Test a context to see if it has WebGL enabled on it.
	 * @method isWebGLActive
	 * @param {CanvasContext} ctx The context to test
	 * @static
	 * @return {Boolean} Whether WebGL is enabled
	StageGL.isWebGLActive = function (ctx) {
		return ctx &&
			ctx instanceof WebGLRenderingContext &&
			typeof WebGLRenderingContext !== 'undefined';

// static properties:
	 * The number of properties defined per vertex (x, y, textureU, textureV, textureIndex, alpha)
	 * @static
	 * @final
	 * @type {Number}
	 * @default 6
	 * @readonly

	 * The number of triangle indices it takes to form a Card. 3 per triangle, 2 triangles.
	 * @property INDICIES_PER_CARD
	 * @static
	 * @final
	 * @type {Number}
	 * @default 6
	 * @readonly

	 * The default value for the maximum number of cards we want to process in a batch. See
	 * {{#crossLink "StageGL/WEBGL_MAX_INDEX_NUM:property"}}{{/crossLink}} for a hard limit.
	 * @static
	 * @final
	 * @type {Number}
	 * @default 10000
	 * @readonly

	 * The maximum size WebGL allows for element index numbers. Uses a 16 bit unsigned integer. It takes 6 indices to
	 * make a unique card.
	 * @property WEBGL_MAX_INDEX_NUM
	 * @static
	 * @final
	 * @type {Number}
	 * @default 65536
	 * @readonly
	StageGL.WEBGL_MAX_INDEX_NUM = Math.pow(2, 16);

	 * Default U/V rect for dealing with full coverage from an image source.
	 * @property UV_RECT
	 * @static
	 * @final
	 * @type {Object}
	 * @default {t:0, l:0, b:1, r:1}
	 * @readonly
	StageGL.UV_RECT = {t:0, l:0, b:1, r:1};

	try {
		 * Vertex positions for a card that covers the entire render. Used with render targets primarily.
		 * @property COVER_VERT
		 * @static
		 * @final
		 * @type {Float32Array}
		 * @readonly
		StageGL.COVER_VERT = new Float32Array([
			-1,		 1,		//TL
			1,		 1,		//TR
			-1,		-1,		//BL
			1,		 1,		//TR
			1,		-1,		//BR
			-1,		-1		//BL

		 * U/V for {{#crossLink "StageGL/COVER_VERT:property"}}{{/crossLink}}.
		 * @property COVER_UV
		 * @static
		 * @final
		 * @type {Float32Array}
		 * @readonly
		StageGL.COVER_UV = new Float32Array([
			 0,		 0,		//TL
			 1,		 0,		//TR
			 0,		 1,		//BL
			 1,		 0,		//TR
			 1,		 1,		//BR
			 0,		 1		//BL

		 * Flipped U/V for {{#crossLink "StageGL:COVER_VERT:property"}}{{/crossLink}}.
		 * @property COVER_UV_FLIP
		 * @static
		 * @final
		 * @type {Float32Array}
		 * @readonly
		StageGL.COVER_UV_FLIP = new Float32Array([
			 0,		 1,		//TL
			 1,		 1,		//TR
			 0,		 0,		//BL
			 1,		 1,		//TR
			 1,		 0,		//BR
			 0,		 0		//BL
	} catch(e) { /* Breaking in older browsers, but those browsers wont run StageGL so no recovery or warning needed */ }

	 * Portion of the shader that contains the "varying" properties required in both vertex and fragment shaders. The
	 * regular shader is designed to render all expected objects. Shader code may contain templates that are replaced
	 * pre-compile.
	 * @static
	 * @final
	 * @type {String}
	 * @readonly
		"precision mediump float;" +
		"varying vec2 vTextureCoord;" +
		"varying lowp float indexPicker;" +
		"varying lowp float alphaValue;"

	 * Actual full header for the vertex shader. Includes the varying header. The regular shader is designed to render
	 * all expected objects. Shader code may contain templates that are replaced pre-compile.
	 * @static
	 * @final
	 * @type {String}
	 * @readonly
		"attribute vec2 vertexPosition;" +
		"attribute vec2 uvPosition;" +
		"attribute lowp float textureIndex;" +
		"attribute lowp float objectAlpha;" +
		"uniform mat4 pMatrix;"

	 * Actual full header for the fragment shader. Includes the varying header. The regular shader is designed to render
	 * all expected objects. Shader code may contain templates that are replaced pre-compile.
	 * @static
	 * @final
	 * @type {String}
	 * @readonly
		"uniform sampler2D uSampler[{{count}}];"

	 * Body of the vertex shader. The regular shader is designed to render all expected objects. Shader code may contain
	 * templates that are replaced pre-compile.
	 * @static
	 * @final
	 * @type {String}
	 * @readonly
		"void main(void) {" +
			//DHG TODO: This doesn't work. Must be something wrong with the hand built matrix see js... bypass for now
			//vertexPosition, round if flag
			//"gl_Position = pMatrix * vec4(vertexPosition.x, vertexPosition.y, 0.0, 1.0);" +
			"gl_Position = vec4("+
				"(vertexPosition.x * pMatrix[0][0]) + pMatrix[3][0]," +
				"(vertexPosition.y * pMatrix[1][1]) + pMatrix[3][1]," +
				"pMatrix[3][2]," +
				"1.0" +
			");" +
			"alphaValue = objectAlpha;" +
			"indexPicker = textureIndex;" +
			"vTextureCoord = uvPosition;" +

	 * Body of the fragment shader. The regular shader is designed to render all expected objects. Shader code may
	 * contain templates that are replaced pre-compile.
	 * @static
	 * @final
	 * @type {String}
	 * @readonly
		"void main(void) {" +
			"vec4 color = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);" +

			"if (indexPicker <= 0.5) {" +
				"color = texture2D(uSampler[0], vTextureCoord);" +
				"{{alternates}}" +
			"}" +

			"{{fragColor}}" +
		"gl_FragColor = vec4(color.rgb, color.a * alphaValue);"
		"if(color.a > 0.0035) {" +		// 1/255 = 0.0039, so ignore any value below 1 because it's probably noise
			"gl_FragColor = vec4(color.rgb/color.a, color.a * alphaValue);" +
		"} else {" +
			"gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);" +

	//TODO: DHG: a real particle shader
	 * @todo
	 * @final
	 * @static
	 * @type {String}
	 * @readonly
	 * @todo
	 * @final
	 * @static
	 * @type {String}
	 * @readonly

	 * Portion of the shader that contains the "varying" properties required in both vertex and fragment shaders. The
	 * cover shader is designed to be a simple vertex/uv only texture render that covers the render surface. Shader
	 * code may contain templates that are replaced pre-compile.
	 * @static
	 * @final
	 * @type {String}
	 * @readonly
		"precision mediump float;" +

		"varying highp vec2 vRenderCoord;" +
		"varying highp vec2 vTextureCoord;"

	 * Actual full header for the vertex shader. Includes the varying header. The cover shader is designed to be a
	 * simple vertex/uv only texture render that covers the render surface. Shader code may contain templates that are
	 * replaced pre-compile.
	 * @static
	 * @final
	 * @type {String}
	 * @readonly
		"attribute vec2 vertexPosition;" +
		"attribute vec2 uvPosition;" +
		"uniform float uUpright;"

	 * Actual full header for the fragment shader. Includes the varying header. The cover shader is designed to be a
	 * simple vertex/uv only texture render that covers the render surface. Shader code may contain templates that are
	 * replaced pre-compile.
	 * @static
	 * @final
	 * @type {String}
	 * @readonly
		"uniform sampler2D uSampler;"

	 * Body of the vertex shader. The cover shader is designed to be a simple vertex/uv only texture render that covers
	 * the render surface. Shader code may contain templates that are replaced pre-compile.
	 * @property COVER_VERTEX_BODY
	 * @static
	 * @final
	 * @type {String}
	 * @readonly
		"void main(void) {" +
			"gl_Position = vec4(vertexPosition.x, vertexPosition.y, 0.0, 1.0);" +
			"vRenderCoord = uvPosition;" +
			"vTextureCoord = vec2(uvPosition.x, abs(uUpright - uvPosition.y));" +

	 * Body of the fragment shader. The cover shader is designed to be a simple vertex/uv only texture render that
	 * covers the render surface. Shader code may contain templates that are replaced pre-compile.
	 * @static
	 * @final
	 * @type {String}
	 * @readonly
		"void main(void) {" +
			"vec4 color = texture2D(uSampler, vRenderCoord);" +
			"gl_FragColor = color;" +

// events:
	 * Dispatched each update immediately before the canvas is cleared and the display list is drawn to it. You can call
	 * {{#crossLink "Event/preventDefault"}}{{/crossLink}} on the event to cancel the draw.
	 * @event drawstart

	 * Dispatched each update immediately after the display list is drawn to the canvas and the canvas context is restored.
	 * @event drawend

// getter / setters:
	p._get_isWebGL = function () {
		return !!this._webGLContext;

	p._set_autoPurge = function (value) {
		value = isNaN(value)?1200:value;
		if (value != -1) {
			value = value<10?10:value;
		this._autoPurge = value;
	p._get_autoPurge = function () {
		return Number(this._autoPurge);

	try {
		Object.defineProperties(p, {
			 * Indicates whether WebGL is being used for rendering. For example, this would be `false` if WebGL is not
			 * supported in the browser.
			 * @property isWebGL
			 * @type {Boolean}
			 * @readonly
			isWebGL: { get: p._get_isWebGL },

			 * Specifies whether or not StageGL is automatically purging unused textures. Higher numbers purge less
			 * often. Values below 10 are upgraded to 10, and -1 disables this feature.
			 * @property autoPurge
			 * @protected
			 * @type {Integer}
			 * @default 1000
			autoPurge: { get: p._get_autoPurge, set: p._set_autoPurge }
	} catch (e) {} // TODO: use Log

// constructor methods:
	 * Create and properly initialize the WebGL instance.
	 * @method _initializeWebGL
	 * @protected
	 * @return {WebGLRenderingContext}
	p._initializeWebGL = function () {
		if (this.canvas) {
			if (!this._webGLContext || this._webGLContext.canvas !== this.canvas) {
				// A context hasn't been defined yet,
				// OR the defined context belongs to a different canvas, so reinitialize.

				// defaults and options
				var options = {
					depth: false, // Disable the depth buffer as it isn't used.
					alpha: this._transparent, // Make the canvas background transparent.
					stencil: true,
					antialias: this._antialias,
					premultipliedAlpha: this._premultiply, // Assume the drawing buffer contains colors with premultiplied alpha.
					preserveDrawingBuffer: this._preserveBuffer

				var gl = this._webGLContext = this._fetchWebGLContext(this.canvas, options);
				if (!gl) { return null; }

				this._maxTextureSlots = gl.getParameter(gl.MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS);

				gl.blendFuncSeparate(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
				gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, this._premultiply);

				this._webGLContext.clearColor(this._clearColor.r, this._clearColor.g, this._clearColor.b, this._clearColor.a);
				this.updateViewport(this._viewportWidth || this.canvas.width, this._viewportHeight || this.canvas.height);
		} else {
			this._webGLContext = null;
		return this._webGLContext;

// public methods:
	// Docced in superclass
	p.update = function (props) {
		if (!this.canvas) { return; }
		if (this.tickOnUpdate) { this.tick(props); }
		if (this.autoClear) { this.clear(); }

		if (this._webGLContext) {
			// Use WebGL.
			this._batchDraw(this, this._webGLContext);
			if (this._autoPurge != -1 && !(this._drawID%((this._autoPurge/2)|0))) {
		} else {
			// Use 2D.
			var ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
			this.draw(ctx, false);

	// Docced in superclass
	p.clear = function () {
		if (!this.canvas) { return; }
		if (StageGL.isWebGLActive(this._webGLContext)) {
			var gl = this._webGLContext;
			var cc = this._clearColor;
			var adjust = this._transparent ? cc.a : 1.0;
			// Use WebGL settings; adjust for pre multiplied alpha appropriate to scenario
			this._webGLContext.clearColor(cc.r * adjust, cc.g * adjust, cc.b * adjust, adjust);
			this._webGLContext.clearColor(cc.r, cc.g, cc.b, cc.a);
		} else {
			// Use 2D.

	 * Draws the stage into the supplied context if possible. Many WebGL properties only exist on their context. As such
	 * you cannot share contexts among many StageGLs and each context requires a unique StageGL instance. Contexts that
	 * don't match the context managed by this StageGL will be treated as a 2D context.
	 * NOTE: This method is mainly for internal use, though it may be useful for advanced uses.
	 * @method draw
	 * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D | WebGLRenderingContext} context The context object to draw into.
	 * @param {Boolean} [ignoreCache=false] Indicates whether the draw operation should ignore any current cache. For
	 *  example, used for drawing the cache (to prevent it from simply drawing an existing cache back into itself).
	 * @return {Boolean} If the draw was handled by this function
	p.draw = function (context, ignoreCache) {
		if (context === this._webGLContext && StageGL.isWebGLActive(this._webGLContext)) {
			var gl = this._webGLContext;
			this._batchDraw(this, gl, ignoreCache);
			return true;
		} else {
			return this.Stage_draw(context, ignoreCache);

	 * Draws the target into the correct context, be it a canvas or Render Texture using WebGL.
	 * NOTE: This method is mainly for internal use, though it may be useful for advanced uses.
	 * @method cacheDraw
	 * @param {DisplayObject} target The object we're drawing into cache.
	 * For example, used for drawing the cache (to prevent it from simply drawing an existing cache back into itself).
	 * @param {Array} filters The filters we're drawing into cache.
	 * @param {BitmapCache} manager The BitmapCache instance looking after the cache
	 * @return {Boolean} If the draw was handled by this function
	p.cacheDraw = function (target, filters, manager) {
		if (StageGL.isWebGLActive(this._webGLContext)) {
			var gl = this._webGLContext;
			this._cacheDraw(gl, target, filters, manager);
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;

	 * Blocks, or frees a texture "slot" on the GPU. Can be useful if you are overflowing textures. When overflowing
	 * textures they are re-uploaded to the GPU every time they're encountered, this can be expensive with large textures.
	 * By blocking the slot you reduce available slots, potentially increasing draw calls, but mostly you prevent a
	 * texture being re-uploaded if it would have moved slots due to overflow.
	 * NOTE: This method is mainly for internal use, though it may be useful for advanced uses.
	 * For example, block the slot a background image is stored in so there is less re-loading of that image.
	 * @method protectTextureSlot
	 * @param  {Number} id The slot to be affected
	 * @param  {Boolean} [lock=false] Whether this slot is the one being locked.
	p.protectTextureSlot = function (id, lock) {
		if (id > this._maxTextureSlots || id < 0) {
			throw "Slot outside of acceptable range";
		this._slotBlacklist[id] = !!lock;

	 * Render textures can't draw into themselves so any item being used for renderTextures needs two to alternate between.
	 * This function creates, gets, and toggles the render surface between the two.
	 * NOTE: This method is mainly for internal use, though it may be useful for advanced uses.
	 * @method getTargetRenderTexture
	 * @param  {DisplayObject} target The object associated with the render textures, usually a cached object.
	 * @param  {Number} w The width to create the texture at.
	 * @param  {Number} h The height to create the texture at.
	 * @return {Objet}
	 * @todo fill in return type
	p.getTargetRenderTexture = function (target, w, h) {
		var result, toggle = false;
		var gl = this._webGLContext;
		if (target.__lastRT !== undefined && target.__lastRT === target.__rtA) { toggle = true; }
		if (!toggle) {
			if (target.__rtA === undefined) {
				target.__rtA = this.getRenderBufferTexture(w, h);
			} else {
				if (w != target.__rtA._width || h != target.__rtA._height) {
					this.resizeTexture(target.__rtA, w, h);
			result = target.__rtA;
		} else {
			if (target.__rtB === undefined) {
				target.__rtB = this.getRenderBufferTexture(w, h);
			} else {
				if (w != target.__rtB._width || h != target.__rtB._height) {
					this.resizeTexture(target.__rtB, w, h);
			result = target.__rtB;
		if (!result) {
			throw "Problems creating render textures, known causes include using too much VRAM by not releasing WebGL texture instances";
		target.__lastRT = result;
		return result;

	 * For every image encountered StageGL registers and tracks it automatically. This tracking can cause memory leaks 
	 * if not purged. StageGL, by default, automatically purges them. This does have a cost and may unfortunately find
	 * false positives. This function is for manual management of this memory instead of the automatic system controlled
	 * by the {{#crossLink "StageGL/autoPurge:property"}}{{/crossLink}} property.
	 * This function will recursively remove all textures found on the object, its children, cache, etc. It will uncache 
	 * objects and remove any texture it finds REGARDLESS of whether it is currently in use elsewhere. It is up to the
	 * developer to ensure that a texture in use is not removed.
	 * Textures in use, or to be used again shortly, should not be removed. This is simply for performance reasons.
	 * Removing a texture in use will cause the texture to have to be re-uploaded slowing rendering.
	 * @method releaseTexture
	 * @param {DisplayObject | Texture | Image | Canvas} item An object that used the texture to be discarded.
	 * @param {Boolean} safe Should the release attempt to be "safe" and only delete this usage.
	p.releaseTexture = function (item, safe) {
		var i, l;
		if (!item) { return; }

		// this is a container object
		if (item.children) {
			for (i = 0, l = item.children.length; i < l; i++) {

		// this has a cache canvas
		if (item.cacheCanvas) {

		var foundImage = undefined;
		if (item._storeID !== undefined) {
			// this is a texture itself
			if (item === this._textureDictionary[item._storeID]) {
				item._storeID = undefined;

			// this is an image or canvas
			foundImage = item;
		} else if (item._webGLRenderStyle === 2) {
			// this is a Bitmap class
			foundImage = item.image;
		} else if (item._webGLRenderStyle === 1) {
			// this is a SpriteSheet, we can't tell which image we used from the list easily so remove them all!
			for (i = 0, l = item.spriteSheet._images.length; i < l; i++) {

		// did we find anything
		if (foundImage === undefined) {
			if (this.vocalDebug) {
				console.log("No associated texture found on release");

		// remove it
		var texture = this._textureDictionary[foundImage._storeID];
		if (safe) {
			var data = texture._imageData;
			var index = data.indexOf(foundImage);
			if (index >= 0) { data.splice(index, 1); }
			foundImage._storeID = undefined;
			if (data.length === 0) { this._killTextureObject(texture); }
		} else {

	 * Similar to {{#crossLink "releaseTexture"}}{{/crossLink}}, but this function differs by searching for textures to
	 * release. It works by assuming that it can purge any texture which was last used more than "count" draw calls ago.
	 * Because this process is unaware of the objects and whether they may be used later on your stage, false positives can
	 * occur. It is recommended to manually manage your memory with {{#crossLink "StageGL/releaseTexture"}}{{/crossLink}},
	 * however, there are many use cases where this is simpler and error-free. This process is also run by default under
	 * the hood to prevent leaks. To disable it see the {{#crossLink "StageGL/autoPurge:property"}}{{/crossLink}} property.
	 * @method purgeTextures
	 * @param {Number} [count=100] How many renders ago the texture was last used
	p.purgeTextures = function (count) {
		if (!(count >= 0)){ count = 100; }

		var dict = this._textureDictionary;
		var l = dict.length;
		for (var i = 0; i<l; i++) {
			var data, texture = dict[i];
			if (!texture || !(data = texture._imageData)) { continue; }

			for (var j = 0; j<data.length; j++) {
				var item = data[j];
				if (item._drawID + count <= this._drawID) {
					item._storeID = undefined;
					data.splice(j, 1);

			if (!data.length) { this._killTextureObject(texture); }

	 * Try to set the max textures the system can handle. It should default to the hardware maximum, and lower values
	 * may limit performance. Some devices have been known to mis-report their max textures, or you may need a standard
	 * baseline cross devices for testing. Barring the previous suggestions, there is little need to call this function
	 * as the library will automatically try to find the best value.
	 * NOTE: This method is mainly for internal use, though it may be useful for advanced uses.
	 * @method updateSimultaneousTextureCount
	 * @param {Number} [count=1] The number of textures intended for simultaneous loading.
	p.updateSimultaneousTextureCount = function (count) {
		// TODO: DHG: make sure API works in all instances, may be some issues with buffers etc I haven't foreseen
		var gl = this._webGLContext;
		var success = false;

		if (count < 1 || isNaN(count)) { count = 1; }
		this._batchTextureCount = count;

		while (!success) {
			try {
				this._activeShader = this._fetchShaderProgram(gl);
				success = true;
			} catch(e) {
				if (this._batchTextureCount == 1) {
					throw "Cannot compile shader " + e;

				this._batchTextureCount -= 4;
				if (this._batchTextureCount < 1) { this._batchTextureCount = 1; }

				if (this.vocalDebug) {
					console.log("Reducing desired texture count due to errors: " + this._batchTextureCount);

	 * Update the WebGL viewport. Note that this does <strong>not</strong> update the canvas element's width/height, but
	 * the render surface's instead. This is necessary after manually resizing the canvas element on the DOM to avoid a
	 * up/down scaled render.
	 * @method updateViewport
	 * @param {Integer} width The width of the render surface in pixels.
	 * @param {Integer} height The height of the render surface in pixels.
	p.updateViewport = function (width, height) {
		this._viewportWidth = width|0;
		this._viewportHeight = height|0;
		var gl = this._webGLContext;

		if (gl) {
			gl.viewport(0, 0, this._viewportWidth, this._viewportHeight);

			// WebGL works with a -1,1 space on its screen. It also follows Y-Up
			// we need to flip the y, scale and then translate the co-ordinates to match this
			// additionally we offset into they Y so the polygons are inside the camera's "clipping" plane
			this._projectionMatrix = new Float32Array([
				2 / this._viewportWidth,	0,								0,							0,
				0,							-2 / this._viewportHeight,		1,							0,
				0,							0,								1,							0,
				-1,							1,								0.1,						0
			// create the flipped version for use with render texture flipping
			// DHG: this would be a slice/clone but some platforms don't offer them for Float32Array
			this._projectionMatrixFlip = new Float32Array([0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0]);
			this._projectionMatrixFlip[5] *= -1;
			this._projectionMatrixFlip[13] *= -1;

	 * Fetches the shader compiled and set up to work with the provided filter/object. The shader is compiled on first
	 * use and returned on subsequent calls.
	 * @method getFilterShader
	 * @param  {Filter|Object} filter The object which will provide the information needed to construct the filter shader.
	 * @return {WebGLProgram}
	p.getFilterShader = function (filter) {
		if (!filter) { filter = this; }

		var gl = this._webGLContext;
		var targetShader = this._activeShader;

		if (filter._builtShader) {
			targetShader = filter._builtShader;
			if (filter.shaderParamSetup) {
				filter.shaderParamSetup(gl, this, targetShader);
		} else {
			try {
				targetShader = this._fetchShaderProgram(
					gl, "filter",
					filter.shaderParamSetup && filter.shaderParamSetup.bind(filter)
				filter._builtShader = targetShader;
				targetShader._name = filter.toString();
			} catch (e) {
				console && console.log("SHADER SWITCH FAILURE", e);
		return targetShader;

	 * Returns a base texture that has no image or data loaded. Not intended for loading images. It may return `null`
	 * in some error cases, and trying to use a "null" texture can cause renders to fail.
	 * @method getBaseTexture
	 * @param  {uint} [w=1] The width of the texture in pixels, defaults to 1
	 * @param  {uint} [h=1] The height of the texture in pixels, defaults to 1
	p.getBaseTexture = function (w, h) {
		var width = Math.ceil(w > 0 ? w : 1) || 1;
		var height = Math.ceil(h > 0 ? h : 1) || 1;

		var gl = this._webGLContext;
		var texture = gl.createTexture();
		this.resizeTexture(texture, width, height);
		this.setTextureParams(gl, false);

		return texture;

	 * Resizes a supplied texture element. May generate invalid textures in some error cases such as; when the texture
	 * is too large, when an out of texture memory error occurs, or other error scenarios. Trying to use an invalid texture
	 * can cause renders to hard stop on some devices. Check the WebGL bound texture after running this function.
	 * NOTE: The supplied texture must have been made with the WebGL "texImage2D" function, all default APIs in StageGL
	 * use this, so this note only matters for library developers and plugins.
	 * @protected
	 * @method resizeTexture
	 * @param  {WebGLTexture} texture The GL Texture to be modified.
	 * @param  {uint} [width=1] The width of the texture in pixels, defaults to 1
	 * @param  {uint} [height=1] The height of the texture in pixels, defaults to 1
	p.resizeTexture = function (texture, width,height) {
		var gl = this._webGLContext;
		gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
			gl.TEXTURE_2D,				// target
			0,							// level of detail
			gl.RGBA,					// internal format
			width, height, 0,			// width, height, border (only for array/null sourced textures)
			gl.RGBA,					// format (match internal format)
			gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE,			// type of texture(pixel color depth)
			null						// image data, we can do null because we're doing array data
		texture.width = width;
		texture.height = height;

	 * Returns a base texture (see {{#crossLink "StageGL/getBaseTexture"}}{{/crossLink}}) for details. Also includes an
	 * attached and linked render buffer in `texture._frameBuffer`. RenderTextures can be thought of as an internal
	 * canvas on the GPU that can be drawn to.
	 * @method getRenderBufferTexture
	 * @param  {Number} w The width of the texture in pixels.
	 * @param  {Number} h The height of the texture in pixels.
	 * @return {Texture} the basic texture instance with a render buffer property.
	p.getRenderBufferTexture = function (w, h) {
		var gl = this._webGLContext;

		// get the texture
		var renderTexture = this.getBaseTexture(w, h);
		if (!renderTexture) { return null; }

		// get the frame buffer
		var frameBuffer = gl.createFramebuffer();
		if (!frameBuffer) { return null; }

		// set its width and height for spoofing as an image
		renderTexture.width = w;
		renderTexture.height = h;

		// attach frame buffer to texture and provide cross links to look up each other
		gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer);
		gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, renderTexture, 0);
		frameBuffer._renderTexture = renderTexture;
		renderTexture._frameBuffer = frameBuffer;

		// these keep track of themselves simply to reduce complexity of some lookup code
		renderTexture._storeID = this._textureDictionary.length;
		this._textureDictionary[renderTexture._storeID] = renderTexture;

		gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
		return renderTexture;

	 * Common utility function used to apply the correct texture processing parameters for the bound texture.
	 * @method setTextureParams
	 * @param  {WebGLRenderingContext} gl The canvas WebGL context object to draw into.
	 * @param  {Boolean} [isPOT=false] Marks whether the texture is "Power of Two", this may allow better quality AA.
	p.setTextureParams = function (gl, isPOT) {
		if (isPOT && this._antialias) {
			//non POT linear works in some devices, but performance is NOT good, investigate
			gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
			gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
		} else {
			gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
			gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
		gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
		gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);

	 * Changes the webGL clear, aka "background" color to the provided value. A transparent clear is recommended, as
	 * non-transparent colours may create undesired boxes around some visuals.
	 * The clear color will also be used for filters and other "render textures". The stage background will ignore the
	 * transparency value and display a solid color normally. For the stage to recognize and use transparency it must be
	 * created with the transparent flag set to `true` (see {{#crossLink "StageGL/constructor"}}{{/crossLink}})).
	 * Using "transparent white" to demonstrate, the valid data formats are as follows:
	 * <ul>
	 *     <li>"#FFF"</li>
	 *     <li>"#FFFFFF"</li>
	 *     <li>"#FFFFFF00"</li>
	 *     <li>"rgba(255,255,255,0.0)"</li>
	 * </ul>
	 * @method setClearColor
	 * @param {String|int} [color=0x00000000] The new color to use as the background
	p.setClearColor = function (color) {
		var r, g, b, a, output;

		if (typeof color == "string") {
			if (color.indexOf("#") == 0) {
				if (color.length == 4) {
					color = "#" + color.charAt(1)+color.charAt(1) + color.charAt(2)+color.charAt(2) + color.charAt(3)+color.charAt(3)
				r = Number("0x"+color.slice(1, 3))/255;
				g = Number("0x"+color.slice(3, 5))/255;
				b = Number("0x"+color.slice(5, 7))/255;
				a = Number("0x"+color.slice(7, 9))/255;
			} else if (color.indexOf("rgba(") == 0) {
				output = color.slice(5, -1).split(",");
				r = Number(output[0])/255;
				g = Number(output[1])/255;
				b = Number(output[2])/255;
				a = Number(output[3]);
		} else {	// >>> is an unsigned shift which is what we want as 0x80000000 and up are negative values
			r = ((color & 0xFF000000) >>> 24)/255;
			g = ((color & 0x00FF0000) >>> 16)/255;
			b = ((color & 0x0000FF00) >>> 8)/255;
			a = (color & 0x000000FF)/255;

		this._clearColor.r = r || 0;
		this._clearColor.g = g || 0;
		this._clearColor.b = b || 0;
		this._clearColor.a = a || 0;

		if (!this._webGLContext) { return; }
		this._webGLContext.clearColor(this._clearColor.r, this._clearColor.g, this._clearColor.b, this._clearColor.a);

	// Docced in subclass
	p.toString = function () {
		return "[StageGL (name="+  this.name +")]";

// private methods:
	 * Returns a base texture that has no image or data loaded. Not intended for loading images. In some error cases,
	 * the texture creation will fail. This function differs from {{#crossLink "StageGL/getBaseTexture"}}{{/crossLink}}
	 * in that the failed textures will be replaced with a safe to render "nothing" texture.
	 * @method _getSafeTexture
	 * @param  {uint} [w=1] The width of the texture in pixels, defaults to 1
	 * @param  {uint} [h=1] The height of the texture in pixels, defaults to 1
	p._getSafeTexture = function (w, h) {
		var texture = this.getBaseTexture(w, h);

		if(!texture) {
			var msg = "Problem creating texture, possible cause: using too much VRAM, please try releasing texture memory";
			(console.error && console.error(msg)) || console.log(msg);

			texture = this._baseTextures[0];

		return texture;

	 * Sets up and returns the WebGL context for the canvas. May return undefined in error scenarios. These can include 
	 * situations where the canvas element already has a context, 2D or GL.
	 * @param  {Canvas} canvas The DOM canvas element to attach to
	 * @param  {Object} options The options to be handed into the WebGL object, see WebGL spec
	 * @method _fetchWebGLContext
	 * @protected
	 * @return {WebGLRenderingContext} The WebGL context, may return undefined in error scenarios
	p._fetchWebGLContext = function (canvas, options) {
		var gl;

		try {
			gl = canvas.getContext("webgl", options) || canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl", options);
		} catch (e) {
			// don't do anything in catch, null check will handle it

		if (!gl) {
			var msg = "Could not initialize WebGL";
		} else {
			gl.viewportWidth = canvas.width;
			gl.viewportHeight = canvas.height;

		return gl;

	 * Create the completed Shader Program from the vertex and fragment shaders. Allows building of custom shaders for
	 * filters. Once compiled, shaders are saved so. If the Shader code requires dynamic alterations re-run this function
	 * to generate a new shader.
	 * @method _fetchShaderProgram
	 * @param  {WebGLRenderingContext} gl The canvas WebGL context object to draw into.
	 * @param  {String} [shaderName="regular"] Working values: "regular", "override", and "filter". Which type of shader to build.
	 * Filter and override both accept the custom params. Regular and override have all features. Filter is a special case reduced feature shader meant to be over-ridden.
	 * @param  {String} [customVTX] Extra vertex shader information to replace a regular draw, see 
	 * {{#crossLink "StageGL/COVER_VERTEX_BODY"}}{{/crossLink}} for default and {{#crossLink "Filter"}}{{/crossLink}} for examples.
	 * @param  {String} [customFRAG] Extra fragment shader information to replace a regular draw, see 
	 * {{#crossLink "StageGL/COVER_FRAGMENT_BODY"}}{{/crossLink}} for default and {{#crossLink "Filter"}}{{/crossLink}} for examples.
	 * @param  {Function} [shaderParamSetup] Function to run so custom shader parameters can get applied for the render.
	 * @protected
	 * @return {WebGLProgram} The compiled and linked shader
	p._fetchShaderProgram = function (gl, shaderName, customVTX, customFRAG, shaderParamSetup) {
		gl.useProgram(null);		// safety to avoid collisions

		// build the correct shader string out of the right headers and bodies
		var targetFrag, targetVtx;
		switch (shaderName) {
			case "filter":
				targetVtx = StageGL.COVER_VERTEX_HEADER + (customVTX || StageGL.COVER_VERTEX_BODY);
			case "particle": //TODO
			case "override":
			case "regular":

		// create the separate vars
		var vertexShader = this._createShader(gl, gl.VERTEX_SHADER, targetVtx);
		var fragmentShader = this._createShader(gl, gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, targetFrag);

		// link them together
		var shaderProgram = gl.createProgram();
		gl.attachShader(shaderProgram, vertexShader);
		gl.attachShader(shaderProgram, fragmentShader);
		shaderProgram._type = shaderName;

		// check compile status
		if (!gl.getProgramParameter(shaderProgram, gl.LINK_STATUS)) {
			throw gl.getProgramInfoLog(shaderProgram);

		// set up the parameters on the shader
		switch (shaderName) {
			case "filter":
				// get the places in memory the shader is stored so we can feed information into them
				// then save it off on the shader because it's so tied to the shader itself
				shaderProgram.vertexPositionAttribute = gl.getAttribLocation(shaderProgram, "vertexPosition");

				shaderProgram.uvPositionAttribute = gl.getAttribLocation(shaderProgram, "uvPosition");

				shaderProgram.samplerUniform = gl.getUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "uSampler");
				gl.uniform1i(shaderProgram.samplerUniform, 0);

				shaderProgram.uprightUniform = gl.getUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "uUpright");
				gl.uniform1f(shaderProgram.uprightUniform, 0);

				// if there's some custom attributes be sure to hook them up
				if (shaderParamSetup) {
					shaderParamSetup(gl, this, shaderProgram);
			case "override":
			case "particle":
			case "regular":
				// get the places in memory the shader is stored so we can feed information into them
				// then save it off on the shader because it's so tied to the shader itself
				shaderProgram.vertexPositionAttribute = gl.getAttribLocation(shaderProgram, "vertexPosition");

				shaderProgram.uvPositionAttribute = gl.getAttribLocation(shaderProgram, "uvPosition");

				shaderProgram.textureIndexAttribute = gl.getAttribLocation(shaderProgram, "textureIndex");

				shaderProgram.alphaAttribute = gl.getAttribLocation(shaderProgram, "objectAlpha");

				var samplers = [];
				for (var i = 0; i < this._batchTextureCount; i++) {
					samplers[i] = i;

				shaderProgram.samplerData = samplers;
				shaderProgram.samplerUniform = gl.getUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "uSampler");
				gl.uniform1iv(shaderProgram.samplerUniform, samplers);

				shaderProgram.pMatrixUniform = gl.getUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "pMatrix");

		return shaderProgram;

	 * Creates a shader from the specified string replacing templates. Template items are defined via `{{` `key` `}}``.
	 * @method _createShader
	 * @param  {WebGLRenderingContext} gl The canvas WebGL context object to draw into.
	 * @param  {Number} type The type of shader to create. gl.VERTEX_SHADER | gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER
	 * @param  {String} str The definition for the shader.
	 * @return {WebGLShader}
	 * @protected
	p._createShader = function (gl, type, str) {
		// inject the static number
		str = str.replace(/\{\{count}}/g, this._batchTextureCount);

		// resolve issue with no dynamic samplers by creating correct samplers in if else chain
		// TODO: WebGL 2.0 does not need this support
		var insert = "";
		for (var i = 1; i<this._batchTextureCount; i++) {
			insert += "} else if (indexPicker <= "+ i +".5) { color = texture2D(uSampler["+ i +"], vTextureCoord);";
		str = str.replace(/\{\{alternates}}/g, insert);
		str = str.replace(/\{\{fragColor}}/g, this._premultiply ? StageGL.REGULAR_FRAG_COLOR_PREMULTIPLY : StageGL.REGULAR_FRAG_COLOR_NORMAL);

		// actually compile the shader
		var shader = gl.createShader(type);
		gl.shaderSource(shader, str);

		// check compile status
		if (!gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
			throw gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader);

		return shader;

	 * Sets up the necessary vertex property buffers, including position and U/V.
	 * @method _createBuffers
	 * @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl
	 * @protected
	p._createBuffers = function (gl) {
		var groupCount = this._maxCardsPerBatch * StageGL.INDICIES_PER_CARD;
		var groupSize, i, l;

		// INFO:
		// all buffers are created using this pattern
		// create a WebGL buffer
		// attach it to context
		// figure out how many parts it has to an entry
		// fill it with empty data to reserve the memory
		// attach the empty data to the GPU
		// track the sizes on the buffer object

		// INFO:
		// a single buffer may be optimal in some situations and would be approached like this,
		// currently not implemented due to lack of need and potential complications with drawCover

		// var vertexBuffer = this._vertexBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
		// gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer);
		// groupSize = 2 + 2 + 1 + 1; //x/y, u/v, index, alpha
		// var vertexData = this._vertexData = new Float32Array(groupCount * groupSize);
		// for (i=0; i<vertexData.length; i+=groupSize) {
		// 	vertexData[i+0] = vertexData[i+1] = 0;
		// 	vertexData[i+2] = vertexData[i+3] = 0.5;
		// 	vertexData[i+4] = 0;
		// 	vertexData[i+5] = 1;
		// }
		// vertexBuffer.itemSize = groupSize;
		// vertexBuffer.numItems = groupCount;
		// TODO bechmark and test using unified buffer

		// the actual position information
		var vertexPositionBuffer = this._vertexPositionBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
		gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexPositionBuffer);
		groupSize = 2;
		var vertices = this._vertices = new Float32Array(groupCount * groupSize);
		for (i=0, l=vertices.length; i<l; i+=groupSize) { vertices[i] = vertices[i+1] = 0; }
		gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertices, gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW);
		vertexPositionBuffer.itemSize = groupSize;
		vertexPositionBuffer.numItems = groupCount;

		// where on the texture it gets its information
		var uvPositionBuffer = this._uvPositionBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
		gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, uvPositionBuffer);
		groupSize = 2;
		var uvs = this._uvs = new Float32Array(groupCount * groupSize);
		for (i=0, l=uvs.length; i<l; i+=groupSize) { uvs[i] = uvs[i+1] = 0; }
		gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, uvs, gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW);
		uvPositionBuffer.itemSize = groupSize;
		uvPositionBuffer.numItems = groupCount;

		// what texture it should use
		var textureIndexBuffer = this._textureIndexBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
		gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, textureIndexBuffer);
		groupSize = 1;
		var indices = this._indices = new Float32Array(groupCount * groupSize);
		for (i=0, l=indices.length; i<l; i++) { indices[i] = 0; }
		gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, indices, gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW);
		textureIndexBuffer.itemSize = groupSize;
		textureIndexBuffer.numItems = groupCount;

		// what alpha it should have
		var alphaBuffer = this._alphaBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
		gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, alphaBuffer);
		groupSize = 1;
		var alphas = this._alphas = new Float32Array(groupCount * groupSize);
		for (i=0, l=alphas.length; i<l; i++) { alphas[i] = 1; }
		gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, alphas, gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW);
		alphaBuffer.itemSize = groupSize;
		alphaBuffer.numItems = groupCount;

	 * Do all the setup steps for textures in the system.
	 * @method _initTextures
	 * @protected
	p._initTextures = function () {
		//TODO: DHG: add a cleanup routine in here in case this happens mid stream

		// reset counters
		this._lastTextureInsert = -1;

		// clear containers
		this._textureDictionary = [];
		this._textureIDs = {};
		this._baseTextures = [];
		this._batchTextures = [];

		// fill in blanks as it helps the renderer be stable while textures are loading and reduces need for safety code
		for (var i=0; i<this._batchTextureCount;i++) {
			var texture = this.getBaseTexture();
			this._baseTextures[i] = this._batchTextures[i] = texture;
			if (!texture) {
				throw "Problems creating basic textures, known causes include using too much VRAM by not releasing WebGL texture instances";
			} else {
				texture._storeID = -1;

	 * Load a specific texture, accounting for potential delay, as it might not be preloaded.
	 * @method _loadTextureImage
	 * @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl
	 * @param {Image | Canvas} image Actual image to be loaded
	 * @return {WebGLTexture} The resulting Texture object
	 * @protected
	p._loadTextureImage = function (gl, image) {
		var srcPath, texture, msg;
		if (image instanceof Image && image.src) {
			srcPath = image.src;
		} else if (image instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) {
			image._isCanvas = true; //canvases are already loaded and assumed unique so note that
			srcPath = "canvas_" + (++this._lastTrackedCanvas);
		} else {
			msg = "Invalid image provided as source. Please ensure source is a correct DOM element.";
			(console.error && console.error(msg, image)) || console.log(msg, image);

		// create the texture lookup and texture
		var storeID = this._textureIDs[srcPath];
		if (storeID === undefined) {
			this._textureIDs[srcPath] = storeID = this._textureDictionary.length;
			image._storeID = storeID;
			image._invalid = !image.isCanvas;
			texture = this._getSafeTexture();
			this._textureDictionary[storeID] = texture;
		} else {
			image._storeID = storeID;
			texture = this._textureDictionary[storeID];

		// allow the texture to track its references for cleanup, if it's not an error ref
		if (texture._storeID != -1) {
			texture._storeID = storeID;
			if (texture._imageData) {
			} else {
				texture._imageData = [image];

		// insert texture into batch
		this._insertTextureInBatch(gl, texture);

		return texture;

	 * Necessary to upload the actual image data to the GPU. Without this the texture will be blank. Called automatically
	 * in most cases due to loading and caching APIs. Flagging an image source with `_invalid = true` will trigger this
	 * next time the image is rendered.
	 * @method _updateTextureImageData
	 * @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl
	 * @param {Image | Canvas} image The image data to be uploaded
	 * @protected
	p._updateTextureImageData = function (gl, image) {
		// the image isn't loaded and isn't ready to be updated, because we don't set the invalid flag we should try again later
		if (!(image.complete || image._isCanvas || image.naturalWidth)) {

		// the bitwise & is intentional, cheap exponent 2 check
		var isNPOT = (image.width & image.width-1) || (image.height & image.height-1);
		var texture = this._textureDictionary[image._storeID];

		gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + texture._activeIndex);
		gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);

		texture.isPOT = !isNPOT;
		this.setTextureParams(gl, texture.isPOT);

		try {
			gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);
		} catch(e) {
			var errString = "\nAn error has occurred. This is most likely due to security restrictions on WebGL images with local or cross-domain origins";
			if(console.error) {
				//TODO: LM: I recommend putting this into a log function internally, since you do it so often, and each is implemented differently.
			} else if (console) {

		image._invalid = false;

		texture._w = image.width;
		texture._h = image.height;

		if (this.vocalDebug) {
			if (isNPOT && this._antialias) {
				console.warn("NPOT(Non Power of Two) Texture w/ antialias on: "+ image.src);
			if (image.width > gl.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE || image.height > gl.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE){
				console && console.error("Oversized Texture: "+ image.width+"x"+image.height +" vs "+ gl.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE +"max");

	 * Adds the texture to a spot in the current batch, forcing a draw if no spots are free.
	 * @method _insertTextureInBatch
	 * @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl The canvas WebGL context object to draw into.
	 * @param {WebGLTexture} texture The texture to be inserted.
	 * @protected
	p._insertTextureInBatch = function (gl, texture) {
		if (this._batchTextures[texture._activeIndex] !== texture) {	// if it wasn't used last batch
			// we've got to find it a a spot.
			var found = -1;
			var start = (this._lastTextureInsert+1) % this._batchTextureCount;
			var look = start;
			do {
				if (this._batchTextures[look]._batchID != this._batchID && !this._slotBlacklist[look]) {
					found = look;
				look = (look+1) % this._batchTextureCount;
			} while (look !== start);

			// we couldn't find anywhere for it go, meaning we're maxed out
			if (found === -1) {
				this.batchReason = "textureOverflow";
				this._drawBuffers(gl);		// <------------------------------------------------------------------------
				this.batchCardCount = 0;
				found = start; //TODO: how do we optimize this to be smarter?

			// lets put it into that spot
			this._batchTextures[found] = texture;
			texture._activeIndex = found;
			var image = texture._imageData && texture._imageData[0]; // first come first served, potentially problematic
			if (image && image._invalid) {
				this._updateTextureImageData(gl, image);
			} else {
				gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + found);
				gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
			this._lastTextureInsert = found;

		} else if(texture._drawID !== this._drawID) {	// hanging around from previous draws means the content might be out of date
			var image = texture._imageData && texture._imageData[0];
			if (image && image._invalid) {
				this._updateTextureImageData(gl, image);

		texture._drawID = this._drawID;
		texture._batchID = this._batchID;

	 * Remove and clean the texture, expects a texture and is inflexible. Mostly for internal use, recommended to call 
	 * {{#crossLink "StageGL/releaseTexture"}}{{/crossLink}} instead as it will call this with the correct texture object(s).
	 * Note: Testing shows this may not happen immediately, have to wait frames for WebGL to have actually adjust memory.
	 * @method _killTextureObject
	 * @param {Texture} texture The texture to be cleaned out
	 * @protected
	p._killTextureObject = function (texture) {
		if (!texture) { return; }
		var gl = this._webGLContext;

		// remove linkage
		if (texture._storeID !== undefined && texture._storeID >= 0) {
			this._textureDictionary[texture._storeID] = undefined;
			for (var n in this._textureIDs) {
				if (this._textureIDs[n] == texture._storeID) { delete this._textureIDs[n]; }
			var data = texture._imageData;
			for (var i=data.length-1; i>=0; i--) { data[i]._storeID = undefined; }
			texture._imageData = texture._storeID = undefined;

		// make sure to drop it out of an active slot
		if (texture._activeIndex !== undefined && this._batchTextures[texture._activeIndex] === texture) {
			this._batchTextures[texture._activeIndex] = this._baseTextures[texture._activeIndex];

		// remove buffers if present
		try {
			if (texture._frameBuffer) { gl.deleteFramebuffer(texture._frameBuffer); }
			texture._frameBuffer = undefined;
		} catch(e) {
			/* suppress delete errors because it's already gone or didn't need deleting probably */
			if (this.vocalDebug) { console.log(e); }

		// remove entry
		try {
		} catch(e) {
			/* suppress delete errors because it's already gone or didn't need deleting probably */
			if (this.vocalDebug) { console.log(e); }

	 * Store or restore current batch textures into a backup array
	 * @method _backupBatchTextures
	 * @param {Boolean} restore Perform a restore instead of a store.
	 * @param {Array} [target=this._backupTextures] Where to perform the backup, defaults to internal backup.
	 * @protected
	p._backupBatchTextures = function (restore, target) {
		var gl = this._webGLContext;

		if (!this._backupTextures) { this._backupTextures = []; }
		if (target === undefined) { target = this._backupTextures; }

		for (var i=0; i<this._batchTextureCount; i++) {
			gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + i);
			if (restore) {
				this._batchTextures[i] = target[i];
			} else {
				target[i] = this._batchTextures[i];
				this._batchTextures[i] = this._baseTextures[i];
			gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this._batchTextures[i]);
			this.setTextureParams(gl, this._batchTextures[i].isPOT);

		if (restore && target === this._backupTextures) { this._backupTextures = []; }

	 * Begin the drawing process for a regular render.
	 * @method _batchDraw
	 * @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl The canvas WebGL context object to draw into.
	 * @param {Stage || Container} sceneGraph {{#crossLink "Container"}}{{/crossLink}} object with all that needs to rendered, preferably a Stage.
	 * @param {Boolean} ignoreCache
	 * @protected
	p._batchDraw = function (sceneGraph, gl, ignoreCache) {
		if (this._isDrawing > 0) {

		this.batchCardCount = 0;
		this.depth = 0;

		this._appendToBatchGroup(sceneGraph, gl, new createjs.Matrix2D(), this.alpha, ignoreCache);

		this.batchReason = "drawFinish";
		this._drawBuffers(gl);								// <--------------------------------------------------------

	 * Perform the drawing process to fill a specific cache texture, including applying filters.
	 * @method _cacheDraw
	 * @param {DisplayObject} target The object we're drawing into the cache. For example, used for drawing the cache
	 * (to prevent it from simply drawing an existing cache back into itself).
	 * @param {Array} filters The filters we're drawing into cache.
	 * @param {BitmapCache} manager The BitmapCache instance looking after the cache
	 * @protected
	p._cacheDraw = function (gl, target, filters, manager) {
		Implicitly there are 4 modes to this function: filtered-sameContext, filtered-uniqueContext, sameContext, uniqueContext.
		Each situation must be handled slightly differently as 'sameContext' or 'uniqueContext' define how the output works,
		one drawing directly into the main context and the other drawing into a stored renderTexture respectively.
		When the draw is a 'filtered' draw, the filters are applied sequentially and will draw into saved textures repeatedly.
		Once the final filter is done the final output is treated depending upon whether it is a same or unique context.
		The internal complexity comes from reducing over-draw, shared code, and issues like textures needing to be flipped
		sometimes when written to render textures.
		var renderTexture;
		var shaderBackup = this._activeShader;
		var blackListBackup = this._slotBlacklist;
		var lastTextureSlot = this._maxTextureSlots-1;
		var wBackup = this._viewportWidth, hBackup = this._viewportHeight;

		// protect the last slot so that we have somewhere to bind the renderTextures so it doesn't get upset
		this.protectTextureSlot(lastTextureSlot, true);

		// create offset container for drawing item
		var mtx = target.getMatrix();
		mtx = mtx.clone();
		mtx.scale(1/manager.scale, 1/manager.scale);
		mtx = mtx.invert();
		mtx.translate(-manager.offX/manager.scale*target.scaleX, -manager.offY/manager.scale*target.scaleY);
		var container = this._cacheContainer;
		container.children = [target];
		container.transformMatrix = mtx;


		if (filters && filters.length) {
			this._drawFilters(target, filters, manager);
		} else {
			// is this for another stage or mine?
			if (this.isCacheControlled) {
				// draw item to canvas				I -> C
				this._batchDraw(container, gl, true);
			} else {
				gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + lastTextureSlot);
				target.cacheCanvas = this.getTargetRenderTexture(target, manager._drawWidth, manager._drawHeight);
				renderTexture = target.cacheCanvas;

				// draw item to render texture		I -> T
				gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, renderTexture._frameBuffer);
				this.updateViewport(manager._drawWidth, manager._drawHeight);
				this._projectionMatrix = this._projectionMatrixFlip;
				this._batchDraw(container, gl, true);

				gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
				this.updateViewport(wBackup, hBackup);


		this.protectTextureSlot(lastTextureSlot, false);
		this._activeShader = shaderBackup;
		this._slotBlacklist = blackListBackup;

	 * Sub portion of _cacheDraw, split off for readability. Do not call independently.
	 * @method _drawFilters
	 * @param {DisplayObject} target The object we're drawing with a filter.
	 * @param {Array} filters The filters we're drawing into cache.
	 * @param {BitmapCache} manager The BitmapCache instance looking after the cache
	p._drawFilters = function (target, filters, manager) {
		var gl = this._webGLContext;
		var renderTexture;
		var lastTextureSlot = this._maxTextureSlots-1;
		var wBackup = this._viewportWidth, hBackup = this._viewportHeight;

		var container = this._cacheContainer;
		var filterCount = filters.length;

		// we don't know which texture slot we're dealing with previously and we need one out of the way
		// once we're using that slot activate it so when we make and bind our RenderTexture it's safe there
		gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + lastTextureSlot);
		renderTexture = this.getTargetRenderTexture(target, manager._drawWidth, manager._drawHeight);

		// draw item to render texture		I -> T
		gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, renderTexture._frameBuffer);
		this.updateViewport(manager._drawWidth, manager._drawHeight);
		this._batchDraw(container, gl, true);

		// bind the result texture to slot 0 as all filters and cover draws assume original content is in slot 0
		gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, renderTexture);

		var flipY = false;
		var i = 0, filter = filters[i];
		do { // this is safe because we wouldn't be in apply filters without a filter count of at least 1

			// swap to correct shader
			this._activeShader = this.getFilterShader(filter);
			if (!this._activeShader) { continue; }

			// now the old result is stored in slot 0, make a new render texture
			gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + lastTextureSlot);
			renderTexture = this.getTargetRenderTexture(target, manager._drawWidth, manager._drawHeight);
			gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, renderTexture._frameBuffer);

			// draw result to render texture	R -> T
			gl.viewport(0, 0, manager._drawWidth, manager._drawHeight);
			this._drawCover(gl, flipY);

			// bind the result texture to slot 0 as all filters and cover draws assume original content is in slot 0
			gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, renderTexture);

			// use flipping to keep things upright, things already cancel out on a single filter
			// this needs to be here as multiPass is not accurate to _this_ frame until after shader acquisition
			if (filterCount > 1 || filters[0]._multiPass) {
				flipY = !flipY;

			// work through the multipass if it's there, otherwise move on
			filter = filter._multiPass !== null ? filter._multiPass : filters[++i];
		} while (filter);

		// is this for another stage or mine
		if (this.isCacheControlled) {
			gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
			this.updateViewport(wBackup, hBackup);

			// draw result to canvas			R -> C
			this._activeShader = this.getFilterShader(this);
			this._drawCover(gl, flipY);
		} else {
			//TODO: DHG: this is less than ideal. A flipped initial render for this circumstance might help. Adjust the perspective matrix?
			if (flipY) {
				gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + lastTextureSlot);
				renderTexture = this.getTargetRenderTexture(target, manager._drawWidth, manager._drawHeight);
				gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, renderTexture._frameBuffer);

				this._activeShader = this.getFilterShader(this);
				gl.viewport(0, 0, manager._drawWidth, manager._drawHeight);
				this._drawCover(gl, !flipY);
			gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
			this.updateViewport(wBackup, hBackup);

			// make sure the last texture is the active thing to draw
			target.cacheCanvas = renderTexture;

	 * Add all the contents of a container to the pending buffers, called recursively on each container. This may
	 * trigger a draw if a buffer runs out of space. This is the main workforce of the render loop.
	 * @method _appendToBatchGroup
	 * @param {Container} container The {{#crossLink "Container"}}{{/crossLink}} that contains everything to be drawn.
	 * @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl The canvas WebGL context object to draw into.
	 * @param {Matrix2D} concatMtx The effective (concatenated) transformation matrix when beginning this container
	 * @param {Number} concatAlpha The effective (concatenated) alpha when beginning this container
	 * @param {Boolean} ignoreCache Don't use an element's cache during this draw
	 * @protected
	p._appendToBatchGroup = function (container, gl, concatMtx, concatAlpha, ignoreCache) {
		// sort out shared properties
		if (!container._glMtx) { container._glMtx = new createjs.Matrix2D(); }
		var cMtx = container._glMtx;
		if (container.transformMatrix) {
		} else {
				container.x, container.y,
				container.scaleX, container.scaleY,
				container.rotation, container.skewX, container.skewY,
				container.regX, container.regY

		// sub components of figuring out the position an object holds
		var subL, subT, subR, subB;

		// actually apply its data to the buffers
		var l = container.children.length;
		for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
			var item = container.children[i];

			if (!(item.visible && concatAlpha)) { continue; }
			if (!item.cacheCanvas || ignoreCache) {
				if (item._updateState){
				if (item.children) {
					this._appendToBatchGroup(item, gl, cMtx, item.alpha * concatAlpha);

			// check for overflowing batch, if yes then force a render
			// TODO: DHG: consider making this polygon count dependant for things like vector draws
			if (this.batchCardCount+1 > this._maxCardsPerBatch) {
				this.batchReason = "vertexOverflow";
				this._drawBuffers(gl);					// <------------------------------------------------------------
				this.batchCardCount = 0;

			// keep track of concatenated position
			if (!item._glMtx) { item._glMtx = new createjs.Matrix2D(); }
			var iMtx = item._glMtx;
			if (item.transformMatrix) {
			} else {
					item.x, item.y,
					item.scaleX, item.scaleY,
					item.rotation, item.skewX, item.skewY,
					item.regX, item.regY

			var uvRect, texIndex, image, frame, texture, src;
			var useCache = item.cacheCanvas && !ignoreCache;

			// get the image data, or abort if not present
			if (item._webGLRenderStyle === 2 || useCache) {			// BITMAP / Cached Canvas
				image = (ignoreCache?false:item.cacheCanvas) || item.image;
			} else if (item._webGLRenderStyle === 1) {								// SPRITE
				frame = item.spriteSheet.getFrame(item.currentFrame);	//TODO: Faster way?
				if (frame === null) { continue; }
				image = frame.image;
			} else {																// MISC (DOM objects render themselves later)
			if (!image) { continue; }

			var uvs = this._uvs;
			var vertices = this._vertices;
			var texI = this._indices;
			var alphas = this._alphas;

			// calculate texture
			if (image._storeID === undefined) {
				// this texture is new to us so load it and add it to the batch
				texture = this._loadTextureImage(gl, image);
			} else {
				// fetch the texture (render textures know how to look themselves up to simplify this logic)
				texture = this._textureDictionary[image._storeID];

				if (!texture){ //TODO: this should really not occur but has due to bugs, hopefully this can be removed eventually
					if (this.vocalDebug){ console.log("Image source should not be lookup a non existent texture, please report a bug."); }

				// put it in the batch if needed
				if (texture._batchID !== this._batchID) {
					this._insertTextureInBatch(gl, texture);
			texIndex = texture._activeIndex;
			image._drawID = this._drawID;

			if (item._webGLRenderStyle === 2 || useCache) {			// BITMAP / Cached Canvas
				if (!useCache && item.sourceRect) {
					// calculate uvs
					if (!item._uvRect) { item._uvRect = {}; }
					src = item.sourceRect;
					uvRect = item._uvRect;
					uvRect.t = (src.y)/image.height;
					uvRect.l = (src.x)/image.width;
					uvRect.b = (src.y + src.height)/image.height;
					uvRect.r = (src.x + src.width)/image.width;

					// calculate vertices
					subL = 0;							subT = 0;
					subR = src.width+subL;				subB = src.height+subT;
				} else {
					// calculate uvs
					uvRect = StageGL.UV_RECT;
					// calculate vertices
					if (useCache) {
						src = item.bitmapCache;
						subL = src.x+(src._filterOffX/src.scale);	subT = src.y+(src._filterOffY/src.scale);
						subR = (src._drawWidth/src.scale)+subL;		subB = (src._drawHeight/src.scale)+subT;
					} else {
						subL = 0;						subT = 0;
						subR = image.width+subL;		subB = image.height+subT;
			} else if (item._webGLRenderStyle === 1) {											// SPRITE
				var rect = frame.rect;

				// calculate uvs
				uvRect = frame.uvRect;
				if (!uvRect) {
					uvRect = StageGL.buildUVRects(item.spriteSheet, item.currentFrame, false);

				// calculate vertices
				subL = -frame.regX;								subT = -frame.regY;
				subR = rect.width-frame.regX;					subB = rect.height-frame.regY;

			// These must be calculated here else a forced draw might happen after they're set
			var offV1 = this.batchCardCount*StageGL.INDICIES_PER_CARD;		// offset for 1 component vectors
			var offV2 = offV1*2;											// offset for 2 component vectors

			//DHG: See Matrix2D.transformPoint for why this math specifically
			// apply vertices
			vertices[offV2] =		subL *iMtx.a + subT *iMtx.c +iMtx.tx;		vertices[offV2+1] =		subL *iMtx.b + subT *iMtx.d +iMtx.ty;
			vertices[offV2+2] =		subL *iMtx.a + subB *iMtx.c +iMtx.tx;		vertices[offV2+3] =		subL *iMtx.b + subB *iMtx.d +iMtx.ty;
			vertices[offV2+4] =		subR *iMtx.a + subT *iMtx.c +iMtx.tx;		vertices[offV2+5] =		subR *iMtx.b + subT *iMtx.d +iMtx.ty;
			vertices[offV2+6] =		vertices[offV2+2];							vertices[offV2+7] =		vertices[offV2+3];
			vertices[offV2+8] =		vertices[offV2+4];							vertices[offV2+9] =		vertices[offV2+5];
			vertices[offV2+10] =	subR *iMtx.a + subB *iMtx.c +iMtx.tx;		vertices[offV2+11] =	subR *iMtx.b + subB *iMtx.d +iMtx.ty;

			// apply uvs
			uvs[offV2] =	uvRect.l;			uvs[offV2+1] =	uvRect.t;
			uvs[offV2+2] =	uvRect.l;			uvs[offV2+3] =	uvRect.b;
			uvs[offV2+4] =	uvRect.r;			uvs[offV2+5] =	uvRect.t;
			uvs[offV2+6] =	uvRect.l;			uvs[offV2+7] =	uvRect.b;
			uvs[offV2+8] =	uvRect.r;			uvs[offV2+9] =	uvRect.t;
			uvs[offV2+10] =	uvRect.r;			uvs[offV2+11] =	uvRect.b;

			// apply texture
			texI[offV1] = texI[offV1+1] = texI[offV1+2] = texI[offV1+3] = texI[offV1+4] = texI[offV1+5] = texIndex;

			// apply alpha
			alphas[offV1] = alphas[offV1+1] = alphas[offV1+2] = alphas[offV1+3] = alphas[offV1+4] = alphas[offV1+5] = item.alpha * concatAlpha;


	 * Draws all the currently defined cards in the buffer to the render surface.
	 * @method _drawBuffers
	 * @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl The canvas WebGL context object to draw into.
	 * @protected
	p._drawBuffers = function (gl) {
		if (this.batchCardCount <= 0) { return; }	// prevents error logs on stages filled with un-renederable content.

		if (this.vocalDebug) {
			console.log("Draw["+ this._drawID +":"+ this._batchID +"] : "+ this.batchReason);
		var shaderProgram = this._activeShader;
		var vertexPositionBuffer = this._vertexPositionBuffer;
		var textureIndexBuffer = this._textureIndexBuffer;
		var uvPositionBuffer = this._uvPositionBuffer;
		var alphaBuffer = this._alphaBuffer;


		gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexPositionBuffer);
		gl.vertexAttribPointer(shaderProgram.vertexPositionAttribute, vertexPositionBuffer.itemSize, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
		gl.bufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, this._vertices);

		gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, textureIndexBuffer);
		gl.vertexAttribPointer(shaderProgram.textureIndexAttribute, textureIndexBuffer.itemSize, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
		gl.bufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, this._indices);

		gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, uvPositionBuffer);
		gl.vertexAttribPointer(shaderProgram.uvPositionAttribute, uvPositionBuffer.itemSize, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
		gl.bufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, this._uvs);

		gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, alphaBuffer);
		gl.vertexAttribPointer(shaderProgram.alphaAttribute, alphaBuffer.itemSize, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
		gl.bufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, this._alphas);

		gl.uniformMatrix4fv(shaderProgram.pMatrixUniform, gl.FALSE, this._projectionMatrix);

		for (var i = 0; i < this._batchTextureCount; i++) {
			var texture = this._batchTextures[i];
			gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + i);
			gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
			this.setTextureParams(gl, texture.isPOT);

		gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, this.batchCardCount*StageGL.INDICIES_PER_CARD);

	 * Draws a card that covers the entire render surface. Mainly used for filters.
	 * @method _drawBuffers
	 * @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl The canvas WebGL context object to draw into.
	 * @param {Boolean} flipY Covers are used for things like RenderTextures and because of 3D vs Canvas space this can
	 * end up meaning the `y` space sometimes requires flipping in the render.
	 * @protected
	p._drawCover = function (gl, flipY) {
		if (this._isDrawing > 0) {

		if (this.vocalDebug) {
			console.log("Draw["+ this._drawID +":"+ this._batchID +"] : "+ "Cover");
		var shaderProgram = this._activeShader;
		var vertexPositionBuffer = this._vertexPositionBuffer;
		var uvPositionBuffer = this._uvPositionBuffer;


		gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexPositionBuffer);
		gl.vertexAttribPointer(shaderProgram.vertexPositionAttribute, vertexPositionBuffer.itemSize, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
		gl.bufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, StageGL.COVER_VERT);
		gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, uvPositionBuffer);
		gl.vertexAttribPointer(shaderProgram.uvPositionAttribute, uvPositionBuffer.itemSize, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
		gl.bufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, flipY?StageGL.COVER_UV_FLIP:StageGL.COVER_UV);

		gl.uniform1i(shaderProgram.samplerUniform, 0);
		gl.uniform1f(shaderProgram.uprightUniform, flipY?0:1);

		gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, StageGL.INDICIES_PER_CARD);

	createjs.StageGL = createjs.promote(StageGL, "Stage");