SpriteSheetUtils Class
The SpriteSheetUtils class is a collection of static methods for working with SpriteSheets. A sprite sheet is a series of images (usually animation frames) combined into a single image on a regular grid. For example, an animation consisting of 8 100x100 images could be combined into a 400x200 sprite sheet (4 frames across by 2 high). The SpriteSheetUtils class uses a static interface and should not be instantiated.
Item Index
- addFlippedFrames deprecated
- extractFrame static
- mergeAlpha deprecated
- _workingCanvas static
- _workingContext static
Returns a single frame of the specified sprite sheet as a new PNG image. An example of when this may be useful is to use a spritesheet frame as the source for a bitmap fill.
WARNING: In almost all cases it is better to display a single frame using a Sprite with a gotoAndStop call than it is to slice out a frame using this method and display it with a Bitmap instance. You can also crop an image using the Bitmap/sourceRect property of Bitmap.
The extractFrame method may cause cross-domain warnings since it accesses pixels directly on the canvas.
SpriteSheetThe SpriteSheet instance to extract a frame from.
Number | StringThe frame number or animation name to extract. If an animation name is specified, only the first frame of the animation will be extracted.
a single frame of the specified sprite sheet as a new PNG image.