/* * Bitmap * Visit http://createjs.com/ for documentation, updates and examples. * * Copyright (c) 2010 gskinner.com, inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following * conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /** * @module EaselJS */ // namespace: this.createjs = this.createjs||{}; (function() { /** * A Bitmap represents an Image, Canvas, or Video in the display list. A Bitmap can be instantiated using an existing * HTML element, or a string. * * <h4>Example</h4> * * var bitmap = new createjs.Bitmap("imagePath.jpg"); * * <strong>Notes:</strong> * <ol> * <li>When using a video source that may loop or seek, use a {{#crossLink "VideoBuffer"}}{{/crossLink}} object to * prevent blinking / flashing. * <li>When a string path or image tag that is not yet loaded is used, the stage may need to be redrawn before it * will be displayed.</li> * <li>Bitmaps with an SVG source currently will not respect an alpha value other than 0 or 1. To get around this, * the Bitmap can be cached.</li> * <li>Bitmaps with an SVG source will taint the canvas with cross-origin data, which prevents interactivity. This * happens in all browsers except recent Firefox builds.</li> * <li>Images loaded cross-origin will throw cross-origin security errors when interacted with using a mouse, using * methods such as `getObjectUnderPoint`, or using filters, or caching. You can get around this by setting * `crossOrigin` flags on your images before passing them to EaselJS, eg: `img.crossOrigin="Anonymous";`</li> * </ol> * * @class Bitmap * @extends DisplayObject * @constructor * @param {CanvasImageSource | String | Object} imageOrUri The source image to display. This can be a CanvasImageSource * (image, video, canvas), an object with a `getImage` method that returns a CanvasImageSource, or a string URL to an image. * If the latter, a new Image instance with the URL as its src will be used. **/ function Bitmap(imageOrUri) { this.DisplayObject_constructor(); // public properties: /** * The source image to display. This can be a CanvasImageSource * (image, video, canvas), an object with a `getImage` method that returns a CanvasImageSource, or a string URL to an image. * If the latter, a new Image instance with the URL as its src will be used. * @property image * @type CanvasImageSource | Object **/ if (typeof imageOrUri == "string") { this.image = document.createElement("img"); this.image.src = imageOrUri; } else { this.image = imageOrUri; } /** * Specifies an area of the source image to draw. If omitted, the whole image will be drawn. * Notes: * <ul> * <li>that video sources must have a width / height set to work correctly with `sourceRect`</li> * <li>Cached objects will ignore the `sourceRect` property</li> * </ul> * @property sourceRect * @type Rectangle * @default null */ this.sourceRect = null; // private properties: // Docced in superclass this._webGLRenderStyle = createjs.DisplayObject._StageGL_BITMAP; } var p = createjs.extend(Bitmap, createjs.DisplayObject); // public methods: /** * Constructor alias for backwards compatibility. This method will be removed in future versions. * Subclasses should be updated to use {{#crossLink "Utility Methods/extends"}}{{/crossLink}}. * @method initialize * @deprecated in favour of `createjs.promote()` **/ p.initialize = Bitmap; // TODO: deprecated. /** * Returns true or false indicating whether the display object would be visible if drawn to a canvas. * This does not account for whether it would be visible within the boundaries of the stage. * * NOTE: This method is mainly for internal use, though it may be useful for advanced uses. * @method isVisible * @return {Boolean} Boolean indicating whether the display object would be visible if drawn to a canvas **/ p.isVisible = function() { var image = this.image; var hasContent = this.cacheCanvas || (image && (image.naturalWidth || image.getContext || image.readyState >= 2)); return !!(this.visible && this.alpha > 0 && this.scaleX != 0 && this.scaleY != 0 && hasContent); }; /** * Draws the display object into the specified context ignoring its visible, alpha, shadow, and transform. * Returns true if the draw was handled (useful for overriding functionality). * * NOTE: This method is mainly for internal use, though it may be useful for advanced uses. * @method draw * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx The canvas 2D context object to draw into. * @param {Boolean} [ignoreCache=false] Indicates whether the draw operation should ignore any current cache. * For example, used for drawing the cache (to prevent it from simply drawing an existing cache back * into itself). * @return {Boolean} **/ p.draw = function(ctx, ignoreCache) { if (this.DisplayObject_draw(ctx, ignoreCache)) { return true; } var img = this.image, rect = this.sourceRect; if (img.getImage) { img = img.getImage(); } if (!img) { return true; } if (rect) { // some browsers choke on out of bound values, so we'll fix them: var x1 = rect.x, y1 = rect.y, x2 = x1 + rect.width, y2 = y1 + rect.height, x = 0, y = 0, w = img.width, h = img.height; if (x1 < 0) { x -= x1; x1 = 0; } if (x2 > w) { x2 = w; } if (y1 < 0) { y -= y1; y1 = 0; } if (y2 > h) { y2 = h; } ctx.drawImage(img, x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1, x, y, x2-x1, y2-y1); } else { ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); } return true; }; //Note, the doc sections below document using the specified APIs (from DisplayObject) from //Bitmap. This is why they have no method implementations. /** * Because the content of a Bitmap is already in a simple format, cache is unnecessary for Bitmap instances. * You should <b>not</b> cache Bitmap instances as it can degrade performance. * * <strong>However: If you want to use a filter on a Bitmap, you <em>MUST</em> cache it, or it will not work.</strong> * To see the API for caching, please visit the DisplayObject {{#crossLink "DisplayObject/cache"}}{{/crossLink}} * method. * @method cache **/ /** * Because the content of a Bitmap is already in a simple format, cache is unnecessary for Bitmap instances. * You should <b>not</b> cache Bitmap instances as it can degrade performance. * * <strong>However: If you want to use a filter on a Bitmap, you <em>MUST</em> cache it, or it will not work.</strong> * To see the API for caching, please visit the DisplayObject {{#crossLink "DisplayObject/cache"}}{{/crossLink}} * method. * @method updateCache **/ /** * Because the content of a Bitmap is already in a simple format, cache is unnecessary for Bitmap instances. * You should <b>not</b> cache Bitmap instances as it can degrade performance. * * <strong>However: If you want to use a filter on a Bitmap, you <em>MUST</em> cache it, or it will not work.</strong> * To see the API for caching, please visit the DisplayObject {{#crossLink "DisplayObject/cache"}}{{/crossLink}} * method. * @method uncache **/ // Docced in superclass p.getBounds = function() { var rect = this.DisplayObject_getBounds(); if (rect) { return rect; } var image = this.image, o = this.sourceRect || image; var hasContent = (image && (image.naturalWidth || image.getContext || image.readyState >= 2)); return hasContent ? this._rectangle.setValues(0, 0, o.width, o.height) : null; }; /** * Returns a clone of the Bitmap instance. * @method clone * @param {Boolean} node Whether the underlying dom element should be cloned as well. * @return {Bitmap} a clone of the Bitmap instance. **/ p.clone = function(node) { var image = this.image; if(image && node){ image = image.cloneNode(); } var o = new Bitmap(image); if (this.sourceRect) { o.sourceRect = this.sourceRect.clone(); } this._cloneProps(o); return o; }; /** * Returns a string representation of this object. * @method toString * @return {String} a string representation of the instance. **/ p.toString = function() { return "[Bitmap (name="+ this.name +")]"; }; createjs.Bitmap = createjs.promote(Bitmap, "DisplayObject"); }());